Dnepropetrovsk apartments to rent

Short Term Accommodation in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine    tel: 38-0675635906

Apartments in Dnepropetrovsk

Kiev apartment

Flat in Krivoy Rog

Apartment in Zaporozhye

Our Terms and Conditions

Booking Procedure - no booking deposit is required now

  1. Once you have found the apartment you require, click the link Booking Form
  2. Complete the booking form - You will be asked for some details on the form including, your name, apartment id, dates of your stay, e-mail address. It is important that you enter your e-mail address correctly. Once you are happy with your details, press 'Send' button for your details to be sent to MyStay.org.
  3. In one working day you will receive a confirmation from our manager that the required apartment is avaluable.
  4. If you want us to reserve this flat you would need to send us a booking deposit of $60. (the rest of the sum you will need to pay in cash after your arrival)

Click here to pay booking deposit by credit card

If you do not want to send a deposit we will get you the best flat available at the time of your arrival.


Apartment is considered booked after the deposit is received. The booking deposit is $60.
Your deposit will be deduced from the total sum of payment upon your arrival and final calculation. The balance of the rent is required to be paid at your arrival along with a security/breakage deposit - $50, which will be returned to you at the day of your departure.

How you will pay for your apartment: You will be asked on arrival for the rest of the sum in cash.

For 3 nights and more reservation we provide advance booking system
For 1-2 nights reservation there is no booking in advance. In this case your reservation can be completed by either:

  • payment for 3 nights to guarantee the reservation of certain apartment;
  • fitting in between other two reservation by booking an available apartment for min 3 nights;
  • calling us upon your arrival to be accommodated at any available apartment at the moment. Thus, apartment price and location will be determined only on your arrival date.

Check-in, check-out

Check-in time - 2 p.m.(14:00), Check-out time - 12 p.m. (12:00) (by noon).

Please, call us in 30 minutes before you arrive to the apartment. Our manager will meet you in the apartment, gives you the keys and accept the payment.

According to our policy early check in is charged as the full daily apartment cost. However, we will do our best to accommodate you in case of earlier availability status.
In case of early arrival and early check-in necessary, please, consider booking for the previous to your arrival night.
Late check out (before 6 p.m.) is charged as half daily apartment cost, after 6 p.m. as a full daily apartment cost. Late check-out is available in cases when your apartment does not have later reservation on this day.
Reservations for Early check-in and Late check-out are completed in advance only.

Cancellation policy

Accommodation reservation represents manual commitment. From our side we guarantee apartment availability for the whole period booked, and refuse other clients interested in the apartment. On the other hand, we strongly encourage you to plan your trip before booking the apartment. If you decide to cancel your reservation at any time, or change your dates, your deposit will not be refunded. As well as, the apartment rent will not be refunded in case you leave the apartment prior to the designated date.

Force Majeur

Reserved apartment is a subject to be changed if some electricity/water/heating cut off or breakdown occurs and it can not be fixed by your arrival date. In this case we provide you with similar accommodation (or even better apartment at the same price) without prior notice.

If you require clarification of the above terms and conditions or any other aspect of these accommodations, please contact us by email:

or by phone: +38-0675635906. We will do our best to answer your queries promptly and positively.

Karl Marks av 60, room 16
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

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